Wednesday, March 24, 2010

My Favorite Exercises

Hi all!

Only two more weeks left in this class. I have to say, I will miss all the communication with you. Maybe we can all "blog" once in a while with each other! I hope so! I get to study Sports Nutrition and Wellness Program Admin. next time around so, that should be fun.

Well, my two favorite exercises are the Loving Kindness and the Subtle Mind. The Loving Kindness exercise is great because it kind of forces you to feel love you know you feel all the time but, don't always show it or see it for what it is; a powerful emotion that can be felt through our prayers and thoughts. When I say to myself very loving things about people even when I am not too happy with them, I feel so much better and know that I am better for practicing it and now, I feel extremely guilty when I think bad thoughts about people. The Subtle Mind exercise was harder but, has a lot of relevancy in my life. I am hoping to start a wellness website soon with some of these exercises as I see them and am going to pass them on to my friends and family. I am determined not to let this class be just a class but, a tool in my grab bag of tools to help others in my future! Even though I may have to find a job NOT in my wellness field, I am going to do it on the side and somehow make it work!

You all have a great week and wish me luck! I have an interview tomorrow!

One word for all to remember:




  1. Good luck on your interview!! I agree I am definitely going to use the tools that I have learned in this class to better my life. Some in recent days have really come in handy. I too enjoyed the Loving-Kindness excercise. I'm not to sure I will continue to blog after this class but maybe we will have another class together in the future.

  2. Good Luck Jill!!! This class definitely has been one of the only classes I have taken that has really benefited me in such a complete way....mind/body/& soul. And like you I will take these skills and pass them on to my clients, friends, and family. These are truly life-saving gifts!!! Let us know how the interview goes :)

  3. Jill -- All the best on the interview! We will definitely be sending positive energy in your direction (and look forward to hearing how things go :-))

    I like your word to remember -- opportunity...NICE. Especially since EVERYTHING can be viewed as an opportunity -- all it takes is a slight mind-shift.

    Like the other people commenting...I too liked the loving-kindness exercise (and as you will see on my Blog) -- it is one of the exercises that I take forward after the class. What a great way to open yourself up for opportunities!

    Best wishes and I look forward to hearing the news!


  4. Jill, best wishes in your interview! You are right, this class has been more than a class. It has been an opportunity to practice what we learn and incoporate them into our personal and professional lives. I subtly give some of the same tools to my daughter but have not really told her they are tools or exercises, just suggesitons for getting through problems and nervousness.

    Keep in touch, email any time:)

  5. Hi Jill,

    this class has been such an eye opener. Good luck with your future studies and I hope they take you where you want to go. It has been great all the communation within this class. Its nice to know that there are more people out there with similar thoughts...

  6. Jill,
    I agree that loving kindness is a great practice and a great way to change your mood. I have been trying to use the practice when I am in a bad place, sometimes it works other times it just makes me more mad. I guess we all have to take baby steps on the meditation path, we'll all get there eventually. Good luck with your own use of the techniques.

  7. Jill,
    I hope your interview went well. Even if your new job is not in the field of your dreams right away -look for the value in the position, it may be able to offer you something to take with you when you do move on to your career.
    I too enjoyed the loving kindness and it is a favorite of mine because I do like sending goodness out into the world.
    Good luck in your follow on course, I took Sports Nutritoin and really enjoyed it, I am sure you will too.
    Take care and be well,
