Sunday, March 14, 2010

Integral Assessment

Hello!! Happy Sunday....I just realized it was an hour later than I thought! I must be a day behind! I looked at my computer and it was 11:00a.m. The time change is always an adjustment.

The Integral Assessment:

Right now, my source of difficulty is being jobless since March 1st. I am diligently looking for a new job and am stuck in this strange area of not having my degree completed yet and wanting to land a job in some type of wellness position. The degrees are required plus experience. So, having a deep entrepreneurial spirit, my mind is wandering off into grandiose dreams of being a wellness coach and a personal trainer since I have my own workout equipment inhouse. Of course, this would not cover the bills so would have to be pursued after landing a full time job, going to school and killing myself to get certified. So, my brain goes back to okay..."just get a job in your current field, finish school and go from there". As you can see, this is where I am suffering from interpersonal issues....

But, the light is at the end of the tunnel and as my ex-coworkers told me "when one door closes, another one opens" and yes, it is a cliche' but, there is a lot of truth to that statement.

My current level of development is to continue to work on keeping my mind still and practicing the breathing and loving kindness exercises as much as I can. They do help me so much.

So, as not to ramble too much, I have decided that my level of development is in the intermediate stages with a lot more work to go but, I have the rest of my life to grow and develop and I will enjoy the journey!

One more word:




  1. Hi Jill,
    I too lost track of time passing by yesterday - it was still light out and I didn't end up feeding my kids dinner until nearly 8:00pm :0 They of course did not mind.
    I wanted to pass along a thought...perhaps you could look for volunteer/intern opportunities in your community that will give you thee experience (plus connections) in the career field you are hoping to enter.
    You mentioned wanting to be a trainer and there are a number of ways to get your foot in the door there. I used to teach Yoga in a few different locations and found that people will work in the gym as a support person or front desk person while they are finishing the training to work with clients then once they have their certifications in order they change their job position.
    If you go onto your state/cities home page they will generally have a tab for volunteer and internship opps. and although many of these don't pay you will still meet the right people and get the experience needed to land your dream job. Craig'sList can also be a useful resource.
    Good Luck!

  2. Wow Catie, wonderful suggestions. It is very true that often unless you are already employed where you can gain experience, it is sometimes hard to get your foot in the door or find an entry level posisition. Ofting working in a related field and volunteering or gaining experience through an externship are a way to get your foot in and show employers what you can do and how valuable your knowledge is.

    I wish you all the luck. I know the decisions are hard to make, but listen to your heart. It will all work out.

  3. Jill,
    aahh yes, i have always herd aswell a little differnt portion of the same story, which sounds more fitting, (if you ask me), when God closes one door he opens another but nobody said it wouldnt be hell in the hallway, I know being without a job is extreamly stressfull, I do think though however that even with a wondering mind you can still accomplish all that you want to, focus is a virtue and needs practice. When you can look back on this you will be able to use a lot of your experience with your clients as well,show them how to deal and cope with losses, and major stresses in life, take care of yourself. i wish you God's speed in finding employment. jaimie
